Sale is Saturday and Sunday July 14 & 15, 9AM - 3PM , 1209 Campo Sano Ave. The sale includes: set of Royal Doulton china, Lalique figures, a children's old Mickey Mouse tea set, great crystal, gorgeous vintage clothing, furs, vintage and contemporary purses, dancing Elvis phone, paintings, collectibles, huge collection of costume jewelry, books, cook books, silver plate, Mary Gregory glasses, Coconut Grove posters, holiday, beautiful rug, TV, lalique figures, Doulton Lady, fabulous mid-century teak dresser, chest with matching side tables, furs, end of the bed bench, sofa and living room chairs, marble top tables, coffee table, salt and pepper collection, tools, golf clubs, pots and pans, Evesham set, Limoge set of china, perfume collection, beautiful dining room table and 6 chairs, beautiful belgian red enamel pots, Desert Rose serving pieces, full kitchen, commode, antique marble top table, coin dot lamps, mid-century glass lamps, chinese horse lamp, carved wood figures, cast iron bank, Royal Doulton lady, and so much more, NO Early Birds. No large bags. Sales Tax collected
August 11-12, 9AM - 3PM, 8364 SW 168 Terr., Entire contents of this lovely home including the Master Bedroom set, dresser, matching night stands and King size bed and mattress set, leather sofa and loveseat, sofa table, end tables, stands, linens for king, full and single size beds, beautiful organ with bench, kitchen with small appliances, sets of wine glasses, baker's rack, am/fm receiver, printer, shredder, Xmas, wall art, patio sets, BIG Screen TV, never used medical, walker and potty chair, round table with 4 chairs patio set, chaises, planters, large ceramic pots, orchids, stained glass panel, area rug and runner, floor lamps, copper and brass collections, clothing m/w, shoes, towels, pillows, etc., costume jewelry, and so much more. go to
for more photos.
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